EDUCATION :- Computer :- HTML TUTORIAL :- Lession 5

Q: How do I link to a window within a frameset?

By using the TARGET attribute of the anchor tags you can redirect the link action to another window in the frameset. The following example will cause the document specified in the HREF to be loaded in the frame named "testframe".

Click here to see sample code and page.


Q: How do I put an image or picture on my web page?

You can put an image on your page using the IMG tag and specifying where the image source is located in SRC attribute. Example:


What it looks like

<IMG SRC="/fs_img/help/sample.gif">


Q: How do I align my image?

You can use the ALIGN attribute of the IMG tag to specify the alignment of the text following the IMG referance. Options include Left, Right, Top, Texttop, Middle, Absmiddle, Baseline, Bottom, Absbottom.


What it looks like

<IMG SRC="/fs_img/help/sample.gif" ALIGN="right">


Q: How do I make text wrap around an image?

The text will wrap around an image when the align attribute is set in the image tag.


What it looks like

<IMG SRC="/fs_img/help/sample.gif" ALIGN="left">
Text will wrap next to this image because the align attribute is set. Text will wrap next to this image because the align attribute is set. Text will wrap next to this image because the align attribute is set.

Text will wrap next to this image because the align attribute is set. Text will wrap next to this image because the align attribute is set. Text will wrap next to this image because the align attribute is set.

Q: How do I create a border around my image?

You can use the BORDER attribute of the IMG tag and specify a width of the border to be displayed. If the image is not a link the border will usually default to the color of the surrounding text. Example:


What it looks like

<IMG SRC="/fs_img/help/sample.gif" BORDER="10">